Protein Power: Making The Right Choice For Your Health Goals

Healthy Eating


Protein is a very important macronutrient that is needed by our bodies. It provides our bodies with the nine essential amino acids. The only way the body can get these amino acids is through the food we eat. Protein is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. Three things protein provides to our bodies. Firstly, when it is broken down in our bodies it helps to fuel muscle mass which helps with metabolism. Secondly, it helps our immune system stay strong. Finally, it helps us to stay fuller for longer, it has satiety effects.


Sources Of Protein.

Foods that are made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans, peas, and eggs are part of the protein group. Eggs contain every essential amino acid. Some plant sources are tofu, lentils, chickpeas, and quinoa. Many people have argued the too much protein might cause cancers. The sources that people need to look out for are processed meats such as ham, hotdogs, sausage, and bacon. These are the cancer-causing culprits.


Making The Right Protein Choice.

Eating processed meats occasionally should be okay. It would be better if people stick to eating grass-fed meats. Processed meats have been smoked, salted, or cured. They normally have chemicals such as nitrates which increase the risk of cancers. Eating processed meats and excessive red meat may increase the risk of pancreatic and prostate cancer. Limiting processed meats and red meat is a healthier choice. Processed meats will hinder you from losing weight or achieving your health goal.


What Are Your Health Goals?

If you are on a weight loss journey it would be best to limit meats. Remember the goal is to be in a caloric deficit and the fat-burning zone. When you consume a lot of meat your body stops burning fat. When you consume more meat than your body can use up, it converts the excess protein into glucose. Your body is actually making its own carbs from the extra meat. Eating too much meat may even make you hungry. Your body will go back to using sugar as fuel because of the excess protein.

The rule of thumb for losing weight is maintaining a low-carb, moderate protein, and high fats (LCHF) diet. Three ways an LCHF diet will work for you. Firstly, the moderate protein will help you get the essential amino acids your body needs. Secondly, keeping your carb intake low will help your body to access fat stores for fuel, once this happens you will start to lose weight. Finally, good fats will supply your body with energy, provide omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and keep you fuller for longer. An LCHF  is one of the best ways to stay in a caloric deficit. If you want to want to build muscle mass, excess protein is an ideal situation. This is because you need to be in a calorie surplus to build muscles.


How Much Is Enough?

The ideal protein intake for weight loss is 1 gram of protein for 1 kilogram of weight. If you weigh 80 kilograms that means you can eat 80 grams a day. This translates to about 20-30 grams with every meal. One of the biggest threats of protein is what it comes with. When people eat meat, they might add sugary sauces or condiments. Diary is an excellent source; however, it may come with sugar and carbs. Yogurt gets many people in trouble. While a 220-gram plain yogurt has about 10 grams of carbs when it’s sweetened the number could rise to 43 grams of carbs. It would best to stick to unsweetened and plain yogurt.

Protein is important for a healthy diet and living.  It is best that you make the right selections of it. The best protein sources are meats and plants, the less processed the better. After making the right choices you still need to eat it in moderation. Especially if you on a weight loss journey. Please remember that the body converts excess protein into sugar. Make the correct protein choices that align with your health goals.

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