About Us

90 Day Movement is a Habit-Building Community Platform.

Our Purpose is to make health and wealth-building a lifestyle.

Our Mission is to encourage and educate people to build sustainable habits, go through the process, and remain consistent.

We achieve our purpose and mission through Two initiatives.

1. #90DaysWithoutSugar Habit Building Program

The aim of the #90DaysWithoutSugar Habit Building Program helps people lose weight, defeat sugar addictions and build sustainable health habits.

The #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge is a 12-Week Weight loss program that challenges people to stop consuming sugary foods, drinks, and processed foods for 90 days.

The program is supported by three services:

  • #90DaysWithoutSugar Habit Buiding Program
  • #SundayHealthChats – Takes Place Every Sundays.
  • Life After Dieting Book – Physical and electronic book that contains the 90 Day Movement Philosophy, 90 Days Without Sugar Program, and Principles On Building Consistency.

2. #FinancialLegacy

Financial Legacy is about developing financial habits that make people financially independent and help them to build enduring wealth. It seeks to help people learn financial literacy, get out of debt, and start investing. It is about creating a conversation on how to improve personal finance management.

We aim to share principles more than methods.

1. Personal responsibility. There is no one-plan-fits-all. It is your personal responsibility to read, research and learn about personal finance principles. We will share books, blogs, and podcasts that will help you on the journey.

2. Application. We believe that personal finance is 80% actions/behavior and 20% technical/head knowledge. In order to get the maximum benefit from Financial Health 20/20 people need to start practicing the information they are consuming.

Start doing small actions such as paying extra towards debt, start saving no matter how small, start investing even if it’s with R50/$5. The main aim is to change your financial habits!

3. Share. Humans grow by sharing and helping others. Practice sharing what principles and methods have helped you to improve your personal finances. Sharing will also help you track your progress.
