Processed Sugar Is The Number One Enemy Of A Healthy Diet.

Healthy Eating


Processed sugar has a greater influence on heart disease than fats. Italian researcher Alessandro Menotti discovered this after he reanalyzed Keys’ Seven-Country Study. One of the leading causes of the obesity epidemic is sugar. Gary Tubes, author of “The Case Against Sugar”, writes sugar is the root cause of today’s diabetes and the obesity epidemic. He adds processed sugar may cause other diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and many common cancers.


What is Processed Sugar?

When I mention processed sugar many people think I am only referring to table sugar or sweets. People eat sugar when they have excess carbohydrates and starches. These carbs and starches are broken down into sugar when consumed. Carbs come in the form of certain fruits, bread, certain vegetables (mainly potatoes), pasta, soda, condiments, dairy products, canned goods, desserts, yogurt, cereal, and grains (wheat, corn, rice, and oats) and juices. When I started my #90DaysWithoutSugar experiment, I found out that processed sugar is everywhere. Many people consume an excess of processed sugar unknowingly. This is one of the reasons many people struggle with their weight. The modern diet is filled with processed carbs in the form of wheat, rice, and potatoes. Our bodies convert these carbs to sugar, which spikes insulin levels and then store any extra calories as fat.


Processed Sugar Explosion.

“Aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is really little different, and of often worse, than drinking a can of sugar-sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar” – William Davis, Cardiologist.


Adults consume 17 teaspoons of sugar a day. Which translates to 80 kilograms in a year. The main culprit is fizzy (soda) drinks. One 350ml soda’s sugar is as much as an orange, 16 strawberries, and 2 plums. Many researchers suggest that these numbers are higher. It is evident that the average adult is addicted to processed sugar. At times we are not responsible for this addiction as processed sugar is virtually in everything item in the shops.


The Dangers Of  Added Sugar.

The added sugar we consume daily is not a big issue. We can resolve it by brushing our teeth more often. It is the hidden sugar found in processed foods that is a problem. Once the sugar in various forms such as bread, pasta, juice, and cereal enters our bodies it creates a chain of events that causes untold damage.

Some of the dangers of added sugars:

  • Sugar is as addictive as cocaine
  • Sugar messes up our appetite control
  • Sugar affects our mental functions

In recent years many food manufacturers have started making artificial sweeteners as an  alternative to sugar. Artificial sweeteners do not make things any better. Some of them cause increased appetite, weight gain, food cravings, and appetite hormone imbalance.  Stevia, erythritol, and xylitol are healthier and have a low-calorie count. You may think that we doomed to a life of boring food or to a life of sickness? No. There are plenty of foods we can add to our diet to keep us healthy. The less processed foods we eat the better. All of us are able to add healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats.

A diet that eliminates processed sugar and carbs will help you lose weight, regain appetite control, and restore your energy levels. I discovered the impact of processed sugar when I did my first #90DaysWithoutSugar challenge. I lost weight without having to starve myself for the first time. I also felt more energetic during the process. If you want to start your healthy journey click here to access the resources to help you.

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