“How can I lose weight fast?” – This thought passes the minds of many people who want to lose weight. Weight gain normally happens subtly, firstly your favorite jeans cannot fit. Secondly, you start losing your breath after walking up a few stairs. Thirdly, tying your shoelaces becomes a challenge. You decide to get on the scale and weigh yourself. Boom, you have gained weight!
Just like clockwork, you start another “diet” to lose weight. There is a new detox you have read about on social media where people have lost 1 kilogram every day. It seems to be working for them. With passion and zeal, you start the weight loss or diet plan. You manage to follow the diet plan for only a couple of weeks and then you fall back to your old habits.
Fake promises to lose weight fast.
“Lose weight fast”, “how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks”, “21 Days to build your dream body” – all these marketing statements which are targeted at our emotions have one thing in common: Doing the least you can do and getting maximum results in the shortest time. Salespeople and marketers have known since the beginning of time that many people want to take the path of least resistance.
My journey to weight loss.
Personally, I fell into that kind of thinking for many years. I was a “religious dieter”, I have gone through almost every diet you can think of to lose weight. The main reason why all my efforts at losing weight fast failed was that I had the wrong mindset. I wanted to lose weight without changing my habits and lifestyle. I looked at “losing weight fast” as a quick-fix solution.
The fastest weight loss diet is not a diet.
I started reading books on personal change and how to change my lifestyle and lose weight fast. There was a pattern that kept on recurring in those books. It was so simple, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. The pattern and framework were that it takes 21 days to create a habit and if you continue doing that action for 90 days it will become a lifestyle.
This concept had become cliché as I heard it plenty of times. I decided to do a personal experiment to test this principle out. My first experiment was called the #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge. I did not consume any processed sugar and foods for a period of 90 days. The results that followed surprised me. I had tried to lose weight fast before in my life however, nothing worked so well like the #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge. After 90 days I lost 13 kilograms, dropped two pant sizes, and ran my first half marathon. I discovered that habits were the fastest weight loss diet!..
Life after dieting.
These results were enough for me. I accidentally discovered the secret of not only losing weight fast but also keeping it off. The greatest secret of losing weight fast is to focus on habits or small daily actions and forget about results for a moment. Many people reading this may protest to the ‘forget about results’ term however the quicker you develop habits the quicker your results will come.
Habits produce weight loss.
Habits are the roots and results are the fruits. Many people are trying to change the fruit without touching the roots. This is the main reason people lose weight but gaining it again after a couple of months. They worked on their ‘weight loss’ (fruit) but they did not work on their habits (roots).
If you want to lose weight fast start changing your habits. Do not put the cart before the horse. Work on your habits and losing weight will be easier. Invest time in changing what you do daily, and you will start seeing the weight falling faster than your thought possible.