Healthy eating will solve many of the health problems we have in the modern world. 12-14% of US Adults have type 2 diabetes and 38% are classified as pre-diabetic. This means that at least half of US adults have diabetes or are pre-diabetics. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases are the leading cause of death. 38 million people die because of NCDs. The World Health Organisation (WHO) projects that by 2030 NCDs will be the leading cause of deaths in Africa
NCDs are often referred to as a lifestyle disease. Lifestyle diseases are linked to the way people live their lives. They are four risk factors that cause these diseases. These risks include unhealthy diets, tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, and physical inactivity. These lifestyle choices are the main cause of lifestyle diseases.
Lifestyle Medicine Combats Lifestyle Diseases.
There is good news about lifestyle diseases. Firstly, they are preventable. Secondly, millions of lives could be saved every year. People just need to change their behavior and lifestyle. Thirdly lifestyle disease can be reversed by lifestyle medicine.
Lifestyle medicine is a branch of medicine dealing with research, prevention, and treatment of disorders caused by lifestyle factors
The six pillars of lifestyle medicine are:
- Healthy Eating – Whole and Plant-based Meals
- Increasing Physical Activity
- Developing Strategies To Manage Stress
- Form and Maintain Good Relationships
- Improving Your Sleeping Patterns
- Cessation of Tobacco
The #90DaysWithoutSugar program was created to help people develop these habits in their lives. In month one we focus on developing clean eating habits. People need to eat more plant-based and unprocessed foods. In month two we help people develop the habit of exercising. In the third month, we focus on habits such as stress management, getting proper sleep, and developing good relationships.
3 Ways Healthy Eating Can ‘Cure’ Lifestyle Diseases.
Many lifestyle diseases and NCDs can be reversed through healthy eating. Here are 3 ways healthy eating will help you overcome lifestyle disease.
1. Limit Carbohydrates.
Carbs are broken down into glucose which raises blood sugar levels. Our bodies can only store a small number of carbs in the glycogen. However, our bodies can store unlimited fat. Extra carbs are converted into fat once the glycogen is filled. For many people, the fat never goes away, it increases. The inevitable path of a high carb diet leads to lifestyle diseases. Many studies show that a low carb diet helps reduces blood sugar and prevents blood sugar spikes. A healthy blood sugar level will keep you away from lifestyle diseases.
2. Choose Unprocessed Foods With A Low Glycemic Index.
Glycemic Index is a numerical Index that ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response (the conversation of glucose in the human body). The Glycemic index uses a scale from 0 to 100. The higher values are given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Eating low-glycemic-index foods has shown to reduce the long term blood sugar levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Foods that have a low glycaemic index are seafood, meat, eggs, beans, lentils, legumes, sweet potatoes, and non-starchy vegetables.
3. Portion Control.
It is very important to limit carbs and choose foods with a low glycemic index. However, you still need to control your food portions. Portion control helps regulate calorie intake. It can lead to weight loss and healthy living. Controlling your weight will promote a healthy blood sugar level which reduces lifestyle diseases. Monitoring your portions helps to reduce blood sugar spikes. Three ways you can limit your portions. Firstly, you can weigh your food and avoid buffets (all-you-can-eat) restaurants. Secondly, use smaller plates and eat slowly. Finally, keeping a food journal will help you limit your portion sizes.
Lifestyle diseases have been prominent because our diets have been made up of processed foods. The processed food we eat is high in saturated fats and added sugar. Practical steps can be take to help people to overcome lifestyle diseases. Firstly, we need to limit carbs. Secondly, we must choose foods with a low glycaemic index. Finally, control our food portions will help us start living healthy. Lifestyle diseases will not be our problem if we can work on making healthy eating a habit!