Two Is Better Than One



How To Build Consistency Pillar 2: Get Accountable!

I really hope you took time out and wrote down your personal mission statement and goals last week. Personal mission statements and goals are the foundations to building the consistency in your life.

If you haven’t identified and written down your personal mission statement please close this page, take out a page and start jotting down some ideas. Remember the aim is not to get a perfect mission statement on the first draft. Write the first draft and keep on refining until you are satisfied, it may take days or even months to get your ideal mission statement.

The purpose of this consistency series is to reveal principles that will help you to remain consistent in doing the right habits and living healthy. One of the major factors that keep people from living a healthy life is the lack of consistency. Many people start diets and exercise programs every year, some do last for about two months and then quit. I used to go on different diets every year. I used to be a serial yo-yo dieter. I managed to stop the yoyo effect when I learned that my issue was bad habits and not the weight or health. I have since focussed on going through the process, building habits and staying consistent.


“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help”. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Once you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve and why (personal mission statement) the next step is to get some accountability.  We have heard this word before used in different settings. Accountability plays a very important role in building consistency in your life.

The Merriam-Webster describe Accountable as:

1. Subject to giving an account: Answerable (held her accountable for the damage).

2. Capable of being explained: Explainable.

Synonyms of accountability: amenable, answerable, liable and responsible.

The weight loss / health journey is a private decision however for it to be easier and effective someone or a community needs to hold you accountable.

What do people with personal trainers, those who join running clubs and those who are part of weight loss groups have in common? They are all held accountable.

A poor self-discipline will not survive any accountability system, no matter how good it is. I am not assuming that if you have a personal trainer or join a running club and belong to a weigh loss group you will magically achieve your goals. It takes discipline, determination and staying power. You will still need your strong why statement. However, accountability will be a catalyst and help you on the journey.

The American Society of Training and Development did a study on accountability and found out that people have a 65% chance of completing a goal if they commit to someone. If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you have committed to, you will increase your chance of success by 95%.

Please read the last paragraph again…

When someone holds you accountable and you have agreed on a specific appointment to meet regularly, you have automatically increased your likelihood of achieving your goal by 95%, I don’t know about you, but that is an awesome fact to me! This is what Alcohol Anonymous, Running Clubs and Books clubs have in common, holding each other accountable, the system works.

Accountability will help you achieve your goals and commitments because you will be engaging with the power of positive social expectations. If you want to take accountability to a whole new level, consider joining a group where members keep track of their results.

Accountability is a very potent source to develop consistency and achieving your goals.

Checklist of Accountability Partner or Group.

1.  Install Confidence.

An Accountability Partner or group are like a ‘hype man’, they motivate and spur you when you are feeling down. The group or person doesn’t lie to you however they are focussed on your journey and how they can help you to achieve your goals.

The main role of this group or partner is to encourage you when you fail, they don’t laugh and celebrate your downfall. It may be hard to find someone like this but keep on looking.

2. Same goals and destination.

You need to find someone or group that have a common vision. That is why cyclists hang out with other cyclists, runners with runners and so forth.

Find someone who is passionate as you about health and losing weight. This will be beneficial for both of you as you will be pulling in the same direction, the load will be lighter. The best accountability partner is a spouse or someone you are in a relationship with (in an ideal world). However, you may find that you don’t get the support you need from them. Don’t get discouraged that are many people waiting to have you in their community.

One of the major reasons why I created the #90DayMovement community was to help people build consistency through accountability. Many people who went through the #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge have told me the community helped them with new knowledge, motivation and showed them it’s possible. I figured out that a team of people is way better than an individual.

One member of the #90DayMovement member said on Twitter that the community was the biggest factor that helped her stay the course and not give up on the #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge. When other members were getting results and hers was not visible, that encouraged her. She also received answers, encouragement and strength to finish the #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge from the community.

A great community will spur you and help you become consistent.

3. Different Partners.

You can have multiple accountability partners or groups for various things. My advice is that make sure that the group has achieved some results in the area you are looking to improve. You can choose to have an online one and an offline if you have the time and capacity.

4. Communication.

Your accountability partner doesn’t have to be in the same city or even country. Technology has made the world a global village. I belong to communities and accountability groups in the US and overseas. As long there is a frequent communication (Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly).

Find out what communication is best for you and the partner. Your partner may prefer email or text and not Facetime, work around those dynamics.

5. They will prioritize the agreement.

This is a very important criteria as you can have someone who is an ideal accountability partner however never have time to meet or check up with you. You partner needs to be available and always keep the communication lines open.

I don’t advice having an accountability session daily as that may be too much. An ideal one would be once a month. Discuss your challenges, successes, new plans and goals. I also recommend ad-hoc communication. When you are feeling a dip or you are in the funk it is always good to call or text to get some motivation and inspiration.

If you are struggling with your goals and commitments find someone or a community that can hold you accountable. You will have a 95% chance of achieving your goals and mission.

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