Exercising is one of the habits that can cause a ripple effect in our lives. Many people know the benefits of exercising but find it hard to start exercising. Human nature is very confusing at times. We know what we need to do but never make time for it. If you want to start exercising there are three things you need to understand. Firstly, you will not feel motivated every day. Do not let this deter you. Secondly, action produces motivation. Many times, I do not feel like exercising but when I start I find it hard to stop. Thirdly, you will always feel better after a workout. Once your body releases endorphins, you will start feeling good and satisfied that you worked out. Once you understand this, you will start exercising even though you do not feel motivated.
How Should Y0u Start Exercising?
We need to have the right mindset about exercising. When we look at it as a temporary or quick-fix solution, it will not become a lifestyle. The rule of thumb should be building exercise as a long term habit in your life. You need to start small and improve gradually as you are integrating it into your life. Think back to the things you have mastered in your life. You started out slowly before you could gain speed. Even a baby learns to walk before she runs. Do not be in a hurry to do more than your fitness level can accomplish.
Start Exercising Slowly.
Start exercising 20 minutes a day, three times a week. If you do not have 20 minutes, start with 5 or 10 minutes. After a month or so increase your routine to 30 minutes. On the third month aim to exercise for at least 40 minutes a session. Once you remain consistent for three months, you can start adding an extra day or the fourth day to your routine. When people go from zero to six days a week that is made up of 60 minutes sessions, they will quit along the way. Starting small will help you make exercise a habit and integrate it into your lifestyle. When you start is about integrating exercise into your life. The best way to do that is by starting small.
Start With Low-Impact Exercises.
We are all drawn to different forms of physical activity. I prefer running, some people prefer lifting weights while others prefer swimming. Starting with an activity that you enjoy is advisable. However, if you are starting to exercise it is best to choose low-impact exercises. Low impact exercises are walking, running, swimming, cycling, or using an elliptical machine. As a beginner low impact exercises are the best for you because they are easy on the joints and muscles. Low impact exercise will also help you get into the habit of exercising. High impact exercise which requires you to jump and do ballistic movements may cause you to get injured when you are starting out.
Start At Your Fitness Level.
People who were once fit (back in high school or earlier) think they can pick up where they left off. I used to play soccer as a teenager and jogged a lot. When I tried losing weight as an adult, going back to jogging was not easy. When I was younger running 5 kilometers was a breeze. However, when I was weighing over 100 kilograms, I could barely run 2 kilometers without stopping. Start at your fitness level. As you become fitter, you should be able to do longer and more intense exercises.
When you start exercising it is all about building consistency and habits. Do not worry about the intensity of your exercise routine. It is not about going hard but making sure you go daily. Keep showing up until exercising becomes a habit and then you can move to the next level, where you are running marathons or benching 100 kilograms.