Many people start of their health journeys haphazardly, without a clear why or structure. A well thought out health plan is needed to lose weight for long-term and keep it off. In the next couple of articles, I will be breaking down the components of a health plan and how to implement it into your life daily.
A couple of years ago I discovered why the diet I went on didn’t produce lasting results. I wante3d to lose weight for the longest time and I would go on different diets. After losing some weight, I would go back to my unhealthy habits and gain back all the weight. I started reading about personal development, habits and principles of consistency. I found out that the way to lose weight for the long-term is to work and change your habits. If you have been struggling to lose weight or remain consistent with your health goals, this series on long-term planning with help you.
Every January people come up with New Year’s Resolutions which include saving more money, developing a new work skill or working on personal relationships. The most popular New Year’s resolutions is getting healthy or improving our personal health. This long-term planning article series works well for a 12-month period. However, the great thing about habits is that you don’t have to wait for January to start. You can decide to start today. Everyday can be day 1 of building habits. There is nothing special about 1 January. The only thing different between 1 January and 13 April is the expectation people put on the day. Let today be your Day 1 towards building habits!
“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” – Jim Rohn
Gratitude Leads to Abundance.
The Health Plan that will be shared requires your input and for you to do your part. Evert article will have some homework that you need to do. Please challenge yourself to go through the process as you read every article. Nothing will change in your life until you decide to apply the information that you know. We live in one of the most fortunate generation as we have so much information at our fingertips. However, this plethora of data and information has crippled us, and we end up consuming it without applying it.
The started point of many plans is decided when we want to go and which destination we want to end up in. This phase is important, and we will cover it a length, however, today I would like you to focus on the good things that has happened in the past. I want gratitude to be your steps in your health plan.
When we plan we tend to focus on what is ahead and forget to be grateful for the greatness that has happened. In fact, we magnify all the bad things that took place in the past and ignore the good. People need to plan and write down their plans, goals and visions from a position of abundance. Identifying and replaying moments of regret, defeat and disappointment causes people to set low standards for their goals.
Please see some questions and thoughts to help start to be grateful:
- Three things I love about my personal health.
- Three features I love about my body.
- I am grateful for these amazing people in my life?
- Three things I am grateful about in my career and my place of work?
- In the past 12 months I am grateful about these gifts of knowledge and experience?
Please note that these are a starting place, list everything you are grateful about in your life. Remember that gratitude turns what we have into enough. At times what we have is enough but because we haven’t identified it, all we see is lack and negativity. Choose to turn your eyes to the positive today.