2020 will be known as the year that ushered in a pandemic after a century. Most people were not born when the Spanish flu rampaged the world in 1918. It is safe to assume that no one really knows how to handle or manage a pandemic. COVID-19 has disrupted everyone’s plans and schedules. Many struggling economies around the world have been brought to the knees due to lockdowns. Unemployment, stress, and anxiety are at an all-time high. Working from home is the new norm. Many private companies have announced that this will be the new policy and working in the office may be a thing of the past. Healthy living through clean eating, exercising, and building healthy habits have taken the back seat as we are still trying to adjust to the new realities of the 21st century.
The Case For Healthy Living During Quarantine.
This season of chaos also presents a great opportunity for us to start working on our health and healthy living. For the first time in a long time, we have so much time to reflect, plan, and do extra workouts. Our schedules are normally packed with school drop-offs, drives to the office, working late, and never having time to even catch our breath. With travel to the schools and office canceled, this gives us 30 to 60 minutes to dedicate to our health and healthy habits.
Our jam-packed weekends are vacant now, there is nowhere we have to rush to. This is the time to improve our health! Many people wished for more time to start their health goals; the opportunity has come. One of the reasons people identify as a hindrance to healthy living is the lack of time. Now we have the time. All we need is to make is a firm decision and get working.
Mental Health Is Important For Healy Living.
All these immediate changes have taken us out of our comfort zone. Our mental health is tested, some people have lost jobs or salaries have been cut by half in some instances. Being confined to our house for days and months may also increase stress in our lives. It is important to take care of our mental health. Mental health plays a big role in developing healthy habits and .healthy living
Please do reach out to a counselor or psychologist if your situation gets unbearable. Make a habit of staying in contact with loved ones through online video calls. Focus on what you can control, practice gratitude, and find positive news to celebrate no matter how small.
The Fallacy Of Motivation.
Many people think that motivation to exercise and eat healthy will sweep them off their feet and blow them in the direction of their dream bodies. We need to stop waiting for the feelings of motivation. Motivation comes and goes. People who exercise understands this dynamic. On most days there is no feeling or motivation to workout. However, they start doing it and at times cannot stop. Motivation comes from action, not the other way around. Stop waiting for the feeling, the action starting to working out will bring the feelings of motivation. Be active and motivation will follow.
Be Intentional About Healthy Living.
Once you make a decision to exercise daily or frequently, you will stick with it. Schedule how many days you want to exercise in the week. Be intentional and make an appointment with yourself. Many personal finance authors advise people to pay themselves first. This means taking the first 10% of your income and saving or investing it. Dedicated at least one hour a day to your health. Fill your cup first. The first hour you are awake should be used to work on yourself and your health. If you are not a morning person, choose an hour where you are the most energized. Take care of your health first.
Your family, work, and the world can have the other 15 hours of the day. If you must sleep an hour earlier do it. This is is important for your health. Some of the activities you may do in your health hour are spiritually (read the bible or pray), mentally (read an uplifting book), emotionally (do you confessions or affirmations), and physical health (exercise). You do not have to do all of them, choose one, and start working on it deliberately.
Start Small and Remain Consistent.
BJ Fogg a Stanford Research and Behavioural Scientist lost about 9 kilograms (20 pounds) in six months by doing two push up with every bathroom break. This tiny habit helped Fogg add other health changes in his life. My tiny habit was avoiding processed sugar for 90 days. This habit introduced many other health habits in my life. I lose 13 kilograms in three months. Charles Duhigg writes about keystone habits. Keystones habits are small changes you introduce in your life which spills over into other areas.
During quarantine or lockdown find one tiny habit you can work on to improve your health. It could be as small as waking up earlier, drinking two liters of water, not eating after 18:00, walking 10 000 steps, or avoiding sugary drinks. Every small action will compound in due time and create a ripple of changes in your life. You do not have to go hard every day, but you must go every day. Focus on consistency rather than intensity with your workout during this season.
Remember Why You Started And Keep It Fun.
Living healthy by eating clean, exercising, and getting enough sleep will help in you three ways in this season. Firstly, healthy habits will strengthen your immune system. A strong immune system will help you fight against infections and diseases. Secondly, healthy habits may be a stress outlet and even lower anxiety and depression. Exercise boosts your mood for the most part of your day. Finally, healthy habits may make you more productive at work. Looking at your laptop the whole may affect you. Exercise may the breather that you need. Healthy habits are important during a pandemic, remember this is why you are building these healthy habits.
Vary your workout routine to avoid boredom. If you are an avid runner, add bodyweight exercises to challenge yourself and have fun. If you love bodyweight exercises, go out and run around the block (if it is safe). Challenge yourself to break your 5 kilometers Personal Best. Small challenges to get better and switching up your routine will help you stay motivated during this time
We are living in unprecedented times. So many things are happening at the same time. Every morning we wake to more bad news. However, we cannot control what is happening in the world. The good news is that we can control and change what is happening in our personal world. We are in control of building healthy habits. Do not be overwhelmed with trying to change everything at once. Choose one small healthy habit and focus on it. Soon you will find yourself adding other healthy habits, often unintentionally. Let us stay safe and healthy!