Many people think working out and getting fit is expensive. Images of a monthly gym fee, bulky equipment, or paying a personal trainer often discourage people from starting. Some people do sign up for the gym or enlist personal trainer. However, they do not followthrough as “life” gets in the way. With the gyms closed, you can create a home workout program that fits your schedule and fitness levels. The best part about it is that you may never have to leave your home.
Why Create A Home Workout Program?
Creating a home workout program comes with many benefits. Firstly, you do not have to spend a lot of money on equipment. You have heard this story before. Sam wants to get into shape. The first thing he does is to buy a treadmill, weights, and gym ball. Sam uses the equipment for two weeks and calls it quits. The treadmill is used as an extra washing line. Starting with bodyweight home workouts will help make exercising a habit.
Secondly, having a workout plan that you can do anywhere and anytime is convenient. Making fitness a lifestyle should be the end goal. If you can only workout at the gym, it will be hard to make exercise a lifestyle. It is advisable to have some equipment and personal trainers. However, even if you cannot afford them you can still burn calories and build muscle at the safety of your home.
Finally, many people starting their healthy living journey are embarrassed to show up a gym. We do not want to look like the new guy in town. A home workout plan will help you to learn and try again if you make a mistake. You can try those burpees again without someone judging you, now.
Elements Of A Home Workout Program.
An excellent home workout program needs to include the four types of exercise. The four types of exercises are aerobic, strength, flexibility, and balance. Doing all types of exercises will help you build endurance, strength, and an overall fit body. Here are five ways you can design your ideal home workout program.
A warmup could be an easy walk if you are running or a slow pace if you are cycling. Incorporate dynamic and static stretches. These may include marching or slow jogging in place, arm cycles, and skipping.
Running, cycling, dancing, swimming, and skipping are exercises you can do to work out your cardiovascular system. The idea is to keep your heart rate very high when you are doing these types of workouts. Cardio workouts are a good exercise to do in the morning. Aim to do 20-30 minutes sessions. Once your fitness levels improve you easily complete five 30-45 minutes of cardio activities.
Resistance or strength training requires equipment to be effective. However, as a beginner bodyweight exercises will be sufficient. Bodyweight training is using your own bodyweight to stay in shape. Research shows that bodyweight workouts improve strength, endurance, and power. With strength training make sure you work out different muscle groups for a well-rounded body
Some of the body weights exercises you can do:
Legs: All kinds of squats. Start with the normal air squats. Once you get them right, move to single le squats or jump squats. Do all kinds of lunges and include burpees.
Chest and Arms: Push-up, triceps dips, and bear crawls or inchworm.
Core: Plank variations, leg raises, sit up, and crunches.
The aim should be to include bodyweight exercises in your routine. A simple home workout program may be doing cardio for 20 minutes and strength training for 20 minutes. Alternatively, you could do cardio training in the morning and strength training in the evening 4-5 days a week.
Flexibility and cooldown.
Always end your home workout program with flexibility and stretch exercises. You can do Yoga poses or cardio moves at a low level to bring your heart rate down. End your workouts with static stretches. Make sure you stretch all your muscles.
No matter what home workout program you begin, start slow, and gradually increase your session’s time and intensity. Always listen to your body. Choose exercises that you enjoy and challenge you. Home workouts program has plenty of advantages. The disadvantage of home workouts are distractions from phones, kids, and the fridge. A good way to overcome this is by exercising the first time in the morning. Try experimenting with different times and workouts. Remember, your aim should be to start, remain consistent and make working out a habits