Can’t Find Time to Work out? Start With 10 Minutes



Finding time to work out is a challenge. It is one of the reasons that stop people from achieving their dream bodies. There are many people who would like to work out, but think they do not have time. Many people think that exercising is about working out one hour a day for six days a week. For many people, this may not be possible. If you are starting your journey working on your frame of mind is important. You may need to look at how you spend your time.


How To Find Time To Work Out.

Many people do not work out because they would rather be doing something else. If we do not identify exercise as a priority, we will never put in our schedule. Many people spend time doing what they love. Here is a couple of ways many people spend their waking hours:

  • 8 Hours we are working
  • 1 Hour traveling
  • 3 Hours of housework
  • 2 Hours watching TV
  • 2 Hours on social media

You can find time to work out in your day. It may not be as exciting as scrolling social media or catching up with your favorite TV series. However, working out will provide more benefits than entertainment.


10 Minute Work out.

If you still cannot find time to work out during the day, you can start with small workouts. According to the World Health Organisation, it is recommended that we invest 150 minutes per week into exercising. That means you need to work out 30 minutes a day, five times a week. A few studies indicate that doing three separates 10-minute sessions daily is as good as getting 30 minutes in a single session. A study of overweight women found that a group that exercised for 10 minutes, three times a day saw great improvements. These women improved their aerobic fitness the same way as those who exercised 30 minutes in one session. Both groups lost weight over 12 weeks. It is possible to lose weight on 10 minutes exercises.


10 Minutes Work Out Plan.

There are workouts people can do for 10 minutes, three times a day. A simple plan that makes sure you can get your heart rate pumping for at least 30 minutes a day. Firstly, wake up 10 minutes earlier. Start your day with 50-90 push-ups or as many as you can for 10 minutes. Secondly, take a moderate walk at lunchtime for 10 minutes. Finally, before you go to bed, do as many body squats as you can for 10 minutes. That is your 3o minutes done without changing many things.

If you are new to working out each day, it may time to rethink what exercising looks like. Finding a way for your body to move will have many health benefits. Start looking for small ways to get active in your life. Adding to your three 10-minutes session look for low hanging fruits.


Make Working Out A Habit.

Think about your daily activities and how you can incorporate them with workouts. Here are three activities we all do that may help us to move more.


1. Brushing your teeth.

You must brush your teeth twice every day. Try brushing your teeth while standing on one leg. Try pulling in your abdominal muscles as you are doing it to engage your core. Pull your belly button towards your spinal cords.


2. Make grocery shopping working out time.

Instead of getting a trolley (pushcart) choose the basket if you are not going to get a lot of things. Make sure your switch arms so that they can get similar reps.


3. Take the stairs and park far from the entrance.

We spend most of our time sitting down for a long time. When you park a little further from the entrance, you can get more steps in your day. Choosing to talk the stairs rather than the escalator or elevator will get you to be more active.

Working out will never be easy to integrate into our lives. However, by taking small steps such as 10-minute exercises you will get closer to your goal. Try to find an exercise routine you really enjoy and you will start consistently. We do not have to exercise for one hour every day. You can move more during the normal day to day errands.

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