Exercising Daily May Impact Your Personal Finances.



There are many benefits of exercising regularly. Firstly, exercising not only affects our bodies it also great for our minds. Secondly, when we exercise, our bodies release chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in our brains that reduce our perception of pain. Finally, exercising will help us improve our careers and save healthcare money.


Why Exercise?

Dr. Ralph S. Paffenberger Jr., a research epidemiologist says exercising is beneficial for people of all ages. He has managed to run 151 marathons.

“We know that being physically fit is a way of protecting yourself against coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke, plus adult-onset diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, probably colon cancer and maybe other cancers, and probably clinical depression. Exercise has an enormous impact on the quality of life. -Dr. Ralph S. Paffenberger Jr

We have all heard the overused adage: When people are young they spend their health to get wealth and later on in life they spend their wealth to get back their health. Do not wait for sickness or the doctor to make exercising essential in your life. Start making exercising a lifestyle. You will not always have the time to do it, however, you need to create time for it.


Regular Workouts Lead To Career Success.

The planning, hard work, and commitment that goes into working out lead to career success. A study found out that preparing to run a marathon improved people’s goal-setting, organizational skills, and discipline in the workplace. Studies also show that regular exercise directly impacts your focus and memory.

A study was done to examine the age difference in cognitive performance and moderate exercise. The study linked our mental abilities to physical exercise, especially our performance at work. The results of the study showed the cognitive benefits of exercising. These benefits were improved concentration, a sharper memory, faster learning, longer mental stamina, and enhanced creativity.


Exercising Is The Best Keystone Habit.

Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit”, writes about keystone habits. He defines a keystone habit as “small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines. Keystone habits unintentionally carry over into other aspects of people’s lives.

Mr. Duhigg identifies exercising as one of the best keystone habits. He observes, “When people start habitually exercising, they start changing other, unrelated patterns in their lives often unknowingly”. Once people start exercising they start eating better and becoming productive at work. Some people stop smoking and begin showing more patience to family and colleagues. People who make exercising a habit start using their credit cards less frequently and manage their personal finances better. Exercising is a keystone habit that triggers widespread change.


Exercise spills over, there is something about it that makes other good habits easier”

– James Prochaska.

Working Our Saves Healthcare Money.

Researchers have calculated the personal financial benefits of exercising. They found out that it could save you thousands of rands (dollars) a year. A study published in the Journal of American Heart Association found out that people who exercise regularly save $2500 a year. Dr. Khurram Nasir adds this research, “There is no better pill in reducing the risk of disease and healthcare cost than optimizing physical activity”

It is evident that exercising is beneficial for our bodies, minds, relationships, and personal finances. This knowledge should get us off our couches to start running or exercising regularly.”Why do people who know this information still do not exercise? ” They do not have a framework for integrating healthy habits into their lives. The reason the #90DaysWithoutSugar Habit Building program works is it helps people breakdown this information into daily actions. Start today to build the keystone habit of exercising and experience all the benefits.

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