Increase The Chances Of Transforming
Your Habits by 95%!
Get the access to the 90 Day Standard Membership that has helped more than 5000 people lose weight the natural way.
What do Alcohol Anonymous, Running Clubs, Book Clubs and Memberships have in common?
They are a group of like-minded people with similar desires, goals and holding each other accountable to achieve them. These are intentional group of people who come together to help each other succeed and become a better version of themselves.
The 90 Day Movement Standard Membership was created to build an exclusive community of like-minded people who want to lose weight, defeat sugar addictions and make health a lifestyle!
The Association for Talent Development did a study on accountability. They found that you have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone. If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you have committed with, your chance increase to 95%.
What will get when you purchase the 90 Day Movement Standard Membership:
1. #90DaysWithoutSugar Habit Building Course: You will get lifetime access to the 12 Week #90DaysWithoutSugar Onlinr Course. You will have access to future videos and the latest lessons. The course will help you build long and lasting habits of eating clean, exercising, managing stress, sleeping well and building good relationships. The aim purpose of the course is to help you learn the process, how to build habits and training you stay on track.
2. Accountability: You will be joining many people who have taken the weight loss journey and sharing their experiences and solutions. You will learn to develop skills on how to integrate what you know into your life. The standard membership is an exclusive tribe of the #90DaysWithoutSugar
3. Group Coaching: The standard membership will provide and interactive group where you can ask questions and clarity on your #90DaysWithoutSugar journey. You will get strategies and your questions being answered by Sam Hlonyana, who has coached more 5000 people to lose weight and transform their health!
*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your spot today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!
Copyright © 90 Day Movement 2019.